otomotif-01 otomotif-02

Pertumbuhan industri otomotif baik untuk keperluan Kendaraan pribadi maupun niaga menuntut SDM yang bermutu dan terampil, baik sebagai operator industri maupun teknisi otomotif.

Program keahlian Otomoif mendidik dan melatih peserta didiknya untuk mampu dan terampil bekerja di bidang otomotif, sehingga mampu mengisi kebutuhan tenaga kerja industri otomotif, teknisi atau membuka peluang usaha mandiri.

Kompetensi yang di ajarkan :

  1. Perawatan dan perbaikan mesin Bensin & Diesel
  2. Perawatan dan Perbaikan Chasis
  3. Perawatan dan Perbaikan Electrical Automotive
  4. Perawatan dan Perbaikan ( Electrical Fuel Injection )

Create folder inside images/stories/ folder and place images for gallery inside this folder.

Put ag-trigger-code inside your article.

Creation of thumb images is automatic, if user opens the page with AdmirorGallery and there are new images or size changed.

It's recommended to admin to opens page with AdmirorGallery to execute changes instead of user.


Description and Localization

Admiror Gallery enables you to add multilanguage description (caption) for each of your image. Here what you have to do:

  • 1. Add a file with the same name as the image you wont to add some description and give it an extencion *.desc
  • 2. In the file add {default}[image description]{/default}, if current selected language is not found in description file this value will be used
  • 3. For every language add {[language code]}[image description]{/[language code]}, example: {sr-yu}Planina Rtanj kod Sokobanje{/sr-yu}
  • 4. Save the file


Global settings of the gallery

  • Ignore invalid image - 1 : it will ignore warnings and generate the thumb even if the image is corrupted ; 0 : it will report GD error if any image is corrupted
  • Ignore notice of recoverable errors - 1 : it will ignore Notice that the image is corrupted ; 0 : it will report Notice that image is corrupted

NOTICE: Only applyes if you have Notice enabled on the server.

You can use inline settings if you want to have diferent galleries on your site, quotations are important, example:


Here is the list of all tags that are available:


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